Red Hill Minerals and Peel Mining Limited have entered into an earn-in JV where it can earn 75% from PEX by spending $6.5M within 5 years. The Curnamona Project comprises the Broken Hill Project (NSW) and the Anabama Project (SA). Both are prospective for precious and base metals, with previous exploration identifying numerous occurrences and multiple types of mineralisation.
On-ground exploration works have begun at the Broken Hill Project, with initial site visits, geology reconnaissance and training, orientation soil sampling program and a mobile magneto-telluric survey completed in 2024. Interpretation of geophysical and geochemical data and targeting for future exploration programs (including drilling) is ongoing.
Work at the Anabama Project has begun, with data compilation and access reconnaissance completed in 2024. Geological mapping, soil sampling and geophysical surveys are the planned next steps to progress the project.